- Transferring Your Existing Website SEO to Your New Website
- What is the Procedure with webwilly to Transfer SEO Reputation?
- What are the Implications of Transferring SEO?
- When Should this Process Begin and End?
Transferring Your Existing Website SEO to Your New Website
For businesses with existing websites that have gained an SEO reputation, it is possible to forward the website page reputation to a new page. The reputation is mostly related to the website page address. By creating rules telling search engines to permanently forward all traffic to a new website page, we are informing that search engine where to associate the reputation.

What is the Procedure with webwilly to Transfer SEO Reputation?
Transferring your website SEO must be planned in advanced before the launch of your new website. If you do not prepare for this before the launch of your new website, your website SEO reputation will be damaged. Simply explained, we need to map each individual page reputation to a new website page before launch. Provide webwilly with the link to the old website page when purchasing the new website page and mention you want to transfer the website page SEO. We can also work together to properly map out every website link to a new page. Simply ask webwilly.
What are the Implications of Transferring SEO?
When transferring your SEO reputation from your old page to your new page, the process will happen gradually. The importance is not making too many changes. One redirect to the new page and that’s it. It’s possible to redirect two pages to one, to combine the SEO reputation. This should only be done when two pages are directly competing for similar keywords. It’s not possible to redirect one page to two pages. Transferring SEO to a new website should only be done on a permanent basis.

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When Should this Process Begin and End?
This whole process should happen before your new website is launched. Each website page needs to be finished and mapped before your website domain name is pointed to the webwilly server. Every website page on your old website which has accumulated an SEO reputation needs to be mapped to a new website page. Without this, it’s gained reputation will be lost when your website domain name is pointed to the webwilly server.

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