Website forms can be designed for different marketing and business objectives. The most basic contact us forms will use basic form fields, while more advanced forms will use more advanced form fields and programming. Here are some of the different recommended use-cases for website forms for your digital marketing efforts:
- Basic Contact Us Forms on Contact Us Pages
- Integrated Basic Contact Us Forms on Product & Service Pages
- Email Subscription Forms in Your Website Design
- Integrated Email Subscription forms on Pages and Posts
- Quote Request Forms on Product & Service Category Pages
- Integrated Quote Request Forms on Specific Product & Service Pages
- Offer a Downloadable PDF Document for Lead Generation
Basic Contact Us Forms on Contact Us Pages
Practically every website has a contact us page which sports a contact us form. This type of form is used by website visitors to send the website owners a message along with their basic contact information. This is especially useful for website visitors to contact your business during off-hours, while nobody is available over the phone or in-person. The message is sent to your email, and you can deal with it when you have time.

Integrated Basic Contact Us Forms on Product & Service Pages
With webwilly, you can use your basic contact us form in multiple places. It’s not recommended to place it on numerous pages, but it can be implemented in strategic locations to increase conversions. The best example is adding the basic contact us form on a specific product or service page. At the end of the page, after you’ve described your product and service offering, add the contact us form. This may entice website visitors interested in your product or service to send you a message on the spot.
In most cases, you don’t want to add this basic form on more general website pages which website visitors may see on their first impression, as they are not ready to be converted. Integrated contact us forms are better positioned in secondary and especially tertiary pages, which are further in the visitor’s discovery of your offering.
Email Subscription Forms in Your Website Design
Once a business decides it wants to plan or start email marketing, they want to start collecting emails. Growing a business’ contact list is important to keep adding leads in the sales funnel. Each new email is a new lead which could potentially become a customer. The biggest benefit of customers which are also email contacts, is the potential for repeat business. If your products and services can be sold repeatedly to the same customer, email marketing is a very cost-efficient marketing medium.
With webwilly, you can purchase a website form which is integrated with your webwilly email marketing platform. With this form, website visitors who submit their email will be automatically subscribed to the appropriate list in your email marketing platform. This platform also includes your access to view contact profiles. The email subscription form can be added to your website footer, website sidebar, or integrate the functionality with your basic contact us form.

Integrated Email Subscription forms on Pages and Posts
To get a better conversion rate on your email subscription, consider integrating your email subscription form on various blogs and pages. This can be done with webwilly, by owning an email subscription form designed for this purpose and asking webwilly to place this form on the website pages and posts that you purchase. By integrating your email subscription form, especially in blog posts, you are properly timing your call-to-action in a context where you appear as an expert. Website visitors reading your blog posts will have a better perception of your expertise and they will convert better into email contacts.
Quote Request Forms on Product & Service Category Pages
The general-use website quote request form can be designed to work with a broad category of your products and services. This form can request general information about the website visitor and their interests in your offering. General information about the website visitor can include their budget, their preferences, their schedule, and more. Gathering this information can be used by your business to convert the lead more easily into a paying customer. By knowing this information about a potential lead your business will be able to leverage this information to improve the customer interactions.

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Integrated Quote Request Forms on Specific Product & Service Pages
More advanced digital marketing strategies can use detailed quote request forms on specific product and service pages to increase lead generation for that specific product or service. This strategy is especially appropriate for businesses that offer products or services that are customizable to the customers preferences. Such preferences for that specific product or service can be integrated into the form so leads generated from this form will include all the detailed information required for your business to efficiently process that lead. Leads that come with personalized product and service information can be initially contacted with a personalized quote ready. This makes your sales process more efficient.

Offer a Downloadable PDF Document for Lead Generation
If your website visitors can benefit from a guide or other documents related to your industry, offer one for free in exchange for their contact information. This type of guide can include industry expert tips and strategies to further increase your brand reputation by appearing knowledgeable. The document can also educate the reader on your specific products and services which will improve the sales process.
With webwilly, you can provide this document with the purchase of a contact us form. The document will be sent by email to the website visitors that fill out this form and you will receive their contact information by email. One important factor to consider, the document will be uploaded to your website and therefor be available to anyone who has the direct link. This link is sent to the website visitor by email. This document will not be easily accessible without the direct link, nonetheless, it should not contain sensitive information.
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